I have this thing for the sea…

..which is making me dizzy with desire to knit the tessellating fish!

I’ve copied the pattern from Iris’ blog, and I’ve got a skein of playwithit yarn that’s large enough, so I’m going to swatch it today.

2 thoughts on “I have this thing for the sea…

  1. I’m stuck on this pattern:

    Here is the change!

    Slip, SSK, K1, Kfb, SSK, K6, K2tog, Kfb, K1, K2tog, K1
    Slip, K4, P8, K5
    Slip, SSK, K1, Kfb, SSK, K4, K2tog, Kfb, K1, K2tog, K1
    Slip, K4, P6, K5
    Slip, SSK, K1, Kfb, SSK, K2, K2tog, Kfb, K1, K2tog, K1
    Slip, K4, P4, K5
    Slip, SSK, K1, Kfb, SSK, K2tog, Kfb, K1, K2tog, K1
    Slip, K4, P2, K5

    *****************I’m OK to here. Then having only 12 stitches on the needle….it seems like the next row needs 14 sts.

    Slip, SSK, K1, Kfb, SSK, K2tog, Kfb, K1, K2tog, K1

    If I could do that row I’d end up with 12 and next row seems to have 11.

    Slip, K10
    Slip, SSK, K1, Kfb, K2tog, Kfb, K2tog, K1
    Slip, K9

    I’d really appreciate any advice you can give. I can probably change things to finish but then I’m afraid it won’t tessellate properly. Woe is me:(

  2. ****** In the *needs 14 when it should need 12* row what I did was leave out the middle SSK. It worked fine in shaping my fish swatch, but I’ve only knit the one, so I’m not sure how well they will tesselate. It looks very symmetrical, and I think should be fine.

    My row would read Slip, SSK, K1, Kfb, K2tog, Kfb, K1, K2tog, K1

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